
He must be ok since he has enemies like these

From a Politico report:

With only a longshot court appeal standing in the way of Democrat Al Franken's election to the Senate, Republicans are gritting their teeth and bracing for the arrival of a new senator whose every utterance will sound like nails on a chalkboard to them.


"I don't know if we've ever had an opponent who is so disliked by Republicans as Al Franken," said Minnesota Republican Party Chair Ron Carey, who cautioned that Coleman's election challenge could still turn the results back his way. "It's one thing to lose to an honorable opponent, but Al Franken is not considered an honorable opponent by Minnesota Republicans."

It is extremely ironic that Washington and Minnesota's rightwing political creatures are concerned that Franken will turn the Senate into a joke. But that concern is not as incongruous as their suggestion that the criticism they intend to direct at Franken will reveal Franken to be a blameworthy politician! From their mouths to God's ears!

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